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We are so happy you are here. At Lingua, we are committed to providing exceptional evaluation, treatment, and support to our families.


Our team provides a variety of services to individuals of all ages and backgrounds, including:

  • Prenatal Education

  • Lactation/Bottle Feeding

  • Sleep Coaching

  • Oral Myofunctional Therapy

  • Massage/CST

  • Feeding/Swallowing Therapy

  • Speech - Physical - Occupational Therapy

  • Cognitive Therapy

  • Voice Therapy 

Our experienced professionals are dedicated to meeting your needs and helping improve your life.

After conflicting information from other professionals, we chose to get a 3rd opinion on what I believed was a tongue or lip tie on my son. Megan was great and agreed that he had a tongue and lip tie. The day of the revision the dentist noted how wonderful and details Megan was with her referral and it made things seamless.


Child engaging in feeding therapy with therapist outside on a sunny day

About Lingua

 Chelsea Zimmerman wanted a way to show the world just how far her immigrant family had made it. So, she created Lingua Speech, Swallow, and Voice Services. Lingua translates to tongue in Italian, the language of her family.

The tongue is the powerhouse of eating, speaking, sleeping, and breathing. It is the foundation of all of the work provided at Lingua Speech, Swallow, and Voice Services.


Chelsea Zimmerman has ignited the passion behind Lingua, Speech, Swallow and Voice services but the team of amazing providers has kept it alive. 

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